Hero image Bullyproof Hockey


Project Type

Marketing Campaign


Figma, HTML, CSS, SASS, PHP, Lumen, Vue js

My Role

UI Design and Backend


Krystal Furlani - Project Manager


Pablo Ortiz - Motion and Graphic Designer


Ishpreet Kaur - Graphic Designer


Hiral Shah - Frontend and Backend


Cristine de Noronha - UI Design and Backend


Bullyproof Hockey



Bullyproof Hockey is a professional marketing and advertising campaign and website for Interactive Media Design Program at Fanshawe College.

Three in five (59%) Canadians say that bullying is a problem in youth hockey. The data is from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute and reveals parents and children alike are widely supportive of anti-bullying efforts.

After research, it was decided that the primary focus of our campaign would be on how the way parents/coaches treat players and officials can have a negative impact on kids and their behaviour.

Bullyproof Vest

We chose the bulletproof vest as the visual symbol of our campaign. Instead of approving bullets, the vest would be bullying-proof, thus making an analogy between bullets and bullying, reinforcing the danger and harm that bullying can generate to everyone who participates in the sport.

Target Audience

The target audience of this campaign is parents and coaches of young players. As mentors and role models, they have a significant influence on their children's behaviour both on and off the ice.

Many recognize that violent behaviour is harmful to their children and to the sport, but they don't know how to act. Other parents encourage aggressive behaviour believing that it is part of the sport and a way for their children to advance in hockey.

For this reason, our campaign seeks to show that violence and bullying are not linked to sports. and also to present positive attitudes that promote unity between players and those involved with Hockey.


Negative Parental Behaviour in Canadian Minor Hockey - University of Ottawa and York University - PHEnex Journal

Angus Reid Institute


The website has two main parts, one informative and the other participatory. The first has information about bullying and the foundation responsible for the campaign. In the second part people can sign up for events, volunteer or join the campaign on social media.

Style Guide and Handoff

The wireframes and components were all made in Figma using auto layout to facilitate the handoff to the front end.


For the first presentation of the website, we developed two prototypes in Figma, one mobile and the other desktop, to test and obtain information from the evaluators before starting the HTML and CSS, reducing the work hours on the front end.